2 [81] 2023Table of contents:
- 1. IntroDorota Leśniak-Rychlak
- 2. Metaphysical and practical architecture of Euromaidan. Why does a political nation win over passive masses?Wasyłyna Duman
- 3. Radically equitable design practicesAnastasija PonomiarowaKacper Kępiński
- 4. War-life balance. Space and people between resistance and adaptationKinga ZemłaSława Balbek
- 5. Bulletproof vest made of spider’s web. How the artists of Ukraine found their bearings in the war and in other spacesBorys Filonenko
- 6. Horizontal Network StateArtur Wabik
- 7. Everyday practices of life and resistance. Syrian refugee women in LebanonInga Hajdarowicz
- 8. We can still create anythingJoanna KusiakNatalia Raczkowska
- 9. Floating University Berlin: A Natureculture Learning SiteGilly KarjevskyRosario Talevi
- 10. We are all anarchists (or se we should be). Self-organization and anarchitectureDorota Jędruch
- 11. Windows firstAleksandra KędziorekMichał SikorskiPetr VladimirovZofia Jaworowska
- 12. Casa do Povo, or the urban utopia of Polish Jews in São PauloJakub Szczęsny
- 13. Other pasturesWojciech MazanZofia Piotrowska
- 14. The pleasure of city-makingZuzanna Kasperczyk-Brodecka
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